Cleanliness Class 3 - EVS kkgoenka
Cleanliness & Hygiene
By Aashish Gupta Sir
The act of taking care of our health by keeping ourselves clean is called cleanliness.
Steps to Keep Environment Clean
1. Never go for defecation in open.
2. Use a clean toilet.
3. Wiping well after using the toilet.
4. Use Toilets.
5. Do not wear stinky socks and shoes.
Personal Hygiene
1. We should brush our teeth twice a day.
2. We should take bath everyday.
3. We should wear clean clothes.
4. We should change our underclothes everyday.
5. We should wash our hands after using a toilet.
6. We should put our hand in front of our mouth, when we cough or sneeze.
7. We should keep our hairs clean and trim them regularly.
8. We should cut our fingernails regularly.
9. Always keep a handkerchief with you.
Task to do Always
1. Clipping your fingernails.
2. Covering your mouth when coughing.
3. Washing your hands when they are dirty.
4. Wiping well after using the toilet.
5. Washing your hair and keeping it neat
Task to do at least once daily
1. Changing your underwear.
2. Taking a bath or a shower.
3. Cleaning out your ears.
Task to do twice daily
1. Brushing your teeth.
2. Putting on deodorant.
Task to do Never
1. Wearing dirty and smelly clothes.
2. Letting you feel smell your body odour.
3. Biting off and chewing your fingernails.
4. Wearing stinky shoes.
5. Wiping your boogers / bogey on your shirt.
Ques. A. Write true or false -
1. Never go for defecation in open.
2. Use a clean toilet.
3. We should change our underclothes everyday.
4. We should brush our teeth twice a day.
5. We should put our hand or handkerchief in front of our mouth, when we cough or sneeze.
6. You should not wash your hands after using a toilet.
Ques. B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box given below-
personal hygiene , sneeze , green , cleanliness
1. Do not cough or ........... over the food.
2. The act of taking care of our health by keeping ourselves clean is called .................... .
3. ................... is equally important.
4. We can ourselves make our country clean and ......... .
Ques. C. Mark Good Hygiene versus Poor Hygiene.
Write "G" against good hygiene and "P" against poor Hygiene.
1. Don't wash hands at all.
2. Brush your teeth in the morning.
3. Keeps your hair neat.
4. Wipe your sweat with shirt.
5. Brush your teeth before going to bed.
6. Wears dirty clothes.
Ques. D. Place a checkmark under how often you think you should complete each of the hygiene tasks on the list -
1. Brushing your teeth.
2. Wiping well after using the toilet.
3. Wearing dirty and smelly clothes.
4. Changing your underwear.
5. Taking a bath or a shower.
6. Letting you feel smell your body order.
7. Clipping your fingernails.
8. Cleaning out your ears.
9. Putting on deodorant.
10. Washing your hair and keeping it neat.
11. Wearing stinky shoes.
12. Wiping your boogers / bogey on your shirt.
13. Covering your mouth when coughing.
14. Biting off and chewing your fingernails.
15. Washing your hands when they are dirty.
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