Animals Class 3 - EVS kkgoenka
Class 3
All animals all living beings.
Animals that live in forest are called Wild Animals. For Example - Lion, Tiger, Bear, Deer, Elephant, Wolf, Fox etc.
Animals that are domesticated are called Domestic Animals or Pets. For Example - Cat, Dog, Goat, Cow, Buffalo, Sheep, Horse etc.
We can divide animals according to their habitat or their food habits.
Animals according to Food Habits
2. Carnivorous animals
3. Omnivorous animals
4. Parasites
5. Scavengers
Herbivorous animals
Animals that eat plants or plant parts are called Herbivorous animals.
For example - Cow, Goat, Sheep, Deer, Elephant, Rabbit etc.
Carnivorous animals
Animals that eat flesh of other animals are called Carnivorous Animals. For example - Lion, Tiger, Fox, Wolf etc.
Omnivorous Animals
Animals that eat both plant parts as well as flesh of other animals are called Omnivorous Animals.
For example - Snake, Crow etc.
Animals that obtain their food from the animals in which they live.These animals live inside the body of other animals and get their food from the host body.
For Example - Tape Worms, Liches etc.
Animals that obtain their food from dead and decaying matter are called scavengers.
For example - Flies, Mosquitoes etc.
Animals according to Habitat
2. Aquatic Animals
3. Amphibian
4. Arboreal Animals
5. Aerial Animals
Terrestrial Animals
Aquatic Animals
Terrestrial Animals
Animals that live on land only are called Terrestrial animals.
For example - cow, buffalo, cat, dog, elephant, lion etc.
Animals that live in water only are called Aquatic animals.
For example - fish, whale, octopus etc.
Animals that live both on land and water are called Amphibians.
For example - crocodile, tortoise etc.
Animals that live on branches of trees are called Arboreal animals.
For example - monkey etc.
Aerial Animals
Animals that can fly in air are called Aerial animals.
For example - Birds, Eagle, Hawk etc.
Ques.A.Write the names of -
1. Two Wild Animals
2. Two Domestic Animals
3. Two Water animals
Ques. B. Answer the following questions -
Q. 1. What do you understand by scavengers ?
Q. 2. Who are Herbivorous animals?
Q. 3. Who are aquatic animals ?
Question. C. Write 'H' for Herbivorous 'C' for Carnivorous and 'O' for Omnivorous
2. Tiger
3. Snake
4. Crow
4. Crow
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