Crops Class 4 - EVS kkgoenka


By Aashish Gupta Sir

              Class  4                
Types of Crops


Wheat                  Rice 

Maize                   Barley


Green Gram      Urad 
Black Gram   
Yellow Pigeon Peas ( तुवर )

Oilseeds ( तिलहन ) 

Soya been  ( सोयाबीन ) 

Groundnut ( मूंगफली ) 

Mustard सरसों Sesame (तिल ) 

Sunflower ( सूरजमुखी )


Potato ( आलू ) 

Tomato ( टमाटर ) 

Carrot ( गाजर ) 

Radish ( मूली ) 

Spinach ( पालक ) 

Onion ( प्याज ) 

Lady Finger ( भिंडी ) 

Pumpkin ( कद्दू ) 

Brinjal ( बैंगन ) 

Cauliflower ( फूलगोभी ) 

Cabbage ( पत्ता गोभी ) 

Cucumber ( खीरा ककड़ी ) 

Bottle Gourd (लोकी)

Spices( मसाले ) 


Cumin ( जीरा ) 

Ginger (अदरक) 

Garlic ( लहसुन ) 

Cardomom ( इलायची) 

Turmeric ( हल्दी ) 

Pepper(मिर्च )

Black Pepper (काली मिर्च ) 

Salt( नमक ) 

Coriander( धनिया )


Apple ( सेब ) 

Orange ( संतरा ) 

Banana ( केला ) 

Sapota ( चीकू ) 

Pear ( नाशपती )  

Guava ( अमरूद ) 

PineApple ( अनन्नास ) 

Pomegranate  ( अनार ) 

Custard Apple ( सीताफल )

Cropping Processes

Ploughing  -  Process of preparing field for sowing.

Sowing - Process of putting seeds in the field.

Harvesting -  Process to gather the ripen crop after cutting.

Threshing - Process to get grains from harvested crop.

Irrigation - Process of watering crops.

Methods of Irrigation

1. Wells
2. Tube Wells
3. Canals

Ques. A.   Define the following terms
1.    Harvesting - 
2.    Threshing -
3.    Sowing
4.    Irrigation

Ques. B.  Match the columns

1. Maize               Oilseed
2. Jaggery            Pulses
3. Sesame           Cereal/Grain
4. Lentil              Sugarcane

Ques. C. Answer the following questions :

1.    Make a list of those vegetables which get spoilt in 2 to 3 days .
2.    Where are potatoes stored ?

Ques. D.  Name the following : 

1.   Two kinds of Pulses

2.   Two kinds of Grains

3.   Two kinds of Vegetables

4.   Two kinds of Spices

5.   Two kinds of Oilseeds

6.   Two kinds of Fruits

Ques. E.   Write two methods of irrigation. 

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