Human Teeth Class 4 - EVS kkgoenka

Human Teeth By Aashish Gupta Sir Class 4 Human teeth There are 2 kinds of teeth a human have in his lifetime 1. Milk Teeth - These teeth remains upto first 8 to 10 years of age. These are 20 in number. 2. Permanent Teeth - They remain for rest of human life.These are 32 in number. Different kinds of permanent teeth in a Human There are 4 kinds of teeth in human. Incisors (8) - to cut the food - These are front teeth . They are 4 each in upper and lower jaw. Canines (4) - use to tear the food - They are near incisors.These are total 4 in number 2 each in Upper and lower jaw. Pre Molars (8) - to crush the food - They are 8 in total , 4 in each jaw. Molars (12) - to grind the food - They are 12 in total , 6 in each jaw. Code to Learn - [ I C PM - (2123)×4 = 32 ] Care of Teeth 1. We should regularly brush...